关键词:喜剧 美国 美国电影 梅丽尔·斯特里普 MerylStreep 1989 电影 爱情
《女人心海底针》电影 高清完整版在线观看由麻花影视收集整理于网络,影片由Susan Seidelman 拍摄,由梅丽尔·斯特里普 罗西妮·巴尔 小艾德·博格里 主演,于1989 上映播放。麻花影视_麻花电影_麻花影院为您提供《女人心海底针》迅雷下载、西瓜影音在线观看。如果喜欢此影片,请记得关注我们网址:www.mahua110.vip
有几十个感动带来这里,使这部电影如此享受观看。首先,随着故事的发展,许多人物的身体都发生了显著的变化。罗珊娜从一个怪胎节目的拒绝者变成了一个相当活泼的琼柯林斯。琳达·亨特和西尔维娅·迈尔斯也发生了同样的转变,斯特里普从一个粉色的、糖霜般的浪漫小说家,变成了一个戴着眼镜的黑色乌龟脖子作家,并赋予了“后现代隐喻”的天赋。当玛丽·费舍尔的《海边的粉色宫殿》的镜头曝光了她在大门上的首字母M F,这就形成了一种特定的基调。斯特里普有无数次为相机做生意的机会,比如在这样一个场景中,她对洗衣完全不理解,导致她把半加仑漂白剂和几张干衣机床单放在洗衣机里。最棒的是,她在莎莉·杰西·拉斐尔的节目中,成功地将矛头指向了“严肃的批评家”。老实说,我觉得这部电影没有很多人想的那么糟糕。我想让你把我们最喜欢的喜剧和恶作剧一样展现出来。
Reading the comments for this film, two aspects appear as the concentration to the films perceived flaws. The one is a lack of sympathy for Roseanne's character, Ruth. The other is a lack of appreciation for Meryl Streep's performance. Having watched this film many times since it's release, I think I can safely dispute this argument. This film certainly I feel has all the markings of a cult favorite. It's dark humor, over charged performances as well as the overall look and feel wedges it someplace between "Heathers" and "Ruthless People". More on the nuances that I feel set this film apart from others later, but lets first deal with the Roseann/Streep problem. Quite frankly, I see no problem. Meryl Streep's Mary Fisher is one of the screens funniest inventions. It seems quite clear to me that she enjoyed playing this role because there is no other way such a wonderful performance could have been created. On a number of occasions, there are lengthy shots with no change of camera where she drives through a range of hilarious emotions. How she handles a scene involving a dog licking her feet while she awakes is tremendous. I feel it is one of her strongest performances; she never turns it off, and always delivers it in the correct dosage. The issue with Roseanne's character, Ruth, is she is seen as manipulative, uncaring, a monster hell bent on revenge. Ruth, like everything else in this picture is a caricature. This is very much the sort of role we would expect from Roseanne, the domestic goddess taking it all a step further. True, she does wallow in a mean spirited negativity, but it results in a positive outcome for nearly all involved. She takes control of her life and liberates Linda Hunts Nurse Hopper as well as countless women through her Vespa Rose Employment Agency. She returns life to the geriatrics in her care at a nursing home. As a result of Ruth's revenge, Mary Fisher at last becomes recognized as the serious writer she wished to from the start. We even know that Begley's Bob Patchett gets his comeuppance, and accepts it with grace and humility. There are dozens of touches brought here which make this a movie so enjoyable to watch. Firstly, there is the remarkable physical change in many of the characters as the story progresses. Roseanne goes from looking like a reject from a freak show to a rather zaftig Joan Collins. Linda Hunt and Sylvia Miles likewise transform, and Streep goes from a pink, frosted confection of a romance novelist, to a black turtle necked, bespectacled writer with a gift for the "post modern metaphor". A certain tone is set when the establishing shot of Mary Fisher "pink palace by the sea" reveals her initials, M F, emblazoned on the massive gate. Streep is given countless occasions to do great business for the camera, as in a scene where her complete lack of comprehension in doing laundry leads her to put half a gallon of bleach and several dryer sheets in a washing machine. Best of all, she manages to give the finger to the "serious critics" while on the Sally Jesse Raphale Show. I honestly don't feel this film is as bad as many would like one to think. If you sit back, and let it unfold as I believe it was intended to, you will find a clever picture that has just the correct amount of overarched villainy and cynicism as many of our favorite black comedies.